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CMC TS was honored as the leading growth partner of Samsung Vietnam
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CMC TS was honored as the leading growth partner of Samsung Vietnam

During the B2B Partner Workshop event held by Samsung Vietnam in Nha Trang, CMC TS was honored as the Top Growth Performance Partner by the company in 2022.
Mr. Trinh Quoc Bao - Acting Director of SMB Solutions Division, CMC TS is the representative to receive this award.

Mr. Trinh Quoc Bao - Acting Director of SMB Solutions Division, CMC TS is the representative to receive this award.

CMC TS is currently a Platinum partner of Samsung IT & Mobile. CMC TS has consulted and provided Samsung products and solutions including phones, tablets and Knox security software to large organizations and enterprises in Vietnam. The Knox multi-layer security platform is integrated into Samsung mobile devices from chips to other hardware, helping to keep all of your devices operating at the highest level of security.

In the coming year, CMC TS and Samsung will continue to promote cooperation to bring the best technology solutions and sales policies to customers.

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