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What is database security? The best business database security you need to know
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What is database security? The best business database security you need to know

Data security is a term used to describe processes, policies, and technologies that ensure an enterprise's data is secure from internal and external access or data corruption or loss, including including malicious attacks and insider threats.

What is database security?

Previously, businesses could secure data by locking sensitive documents in file cabinets or setting passwords for computers. But with the rapid change in the digital age, businesses will now have to work harder with new technologies and solutions to keep their systems, applications and data intact. .

Database security refers to the range of tools, controls, and measures designed to establish and maintain the security, integrity, and availability of databases. This article will focus mainly on security as that is the compromised factor in most data breaches.

Database security must address and protect the following:

  • Data in the database
  • Database Management System (DBMS)
  • All related apps
  • Physical database server and/or virtual database server and underlying hardware
  • The computer and/or network infrastructure used to access the database

Database security is a complex and challenging endeavor that involves all aspects of information security technologies and practices. The more accessible and usable a database is, the more vulnerable it is to security threats; The more invulnerable a database is to threats, the harder it is to access and use.

General context of security

The evolving IT environment is making databases more vulnerable to threats. Here are trends that may lead to new types of attacks on the database or may require new defenses:

  • Increasing volumes of data — storing, collecting, and processing data are growing exponentially across most organizations. Any data security tool or practice must be highly scalable to address requirements in the near and far future.
  • Distributed infrastructure - increasingly complex network environments, especially as businesses move workloads to hybrid or multi-cloud architectures, making deployment, management, and selection Choosing security solutions becomes more difficult.
  • Regulatory requirements are getting tighter — the worldwide regulatory compliance landscape is increasingly complex, so it's becoming more and more difficult to follow all the mandates.
  • Cybersecurity skills shortage — there is a global shortage of highly skilled cybersecurity professionals and organizations are finding it difficult to fill security roles. This can make it more difficult to protect critical infrastructure, including databases.

Enterprise database security threats

The number of security holes in database management systems is being discovered more and more. Some experts have shown that hackers can completely create viruses that spread through the DBMS and even rootkits in the DBMS itself.

Such threats are virtually impossible to stop with the "classic" defenses provided by firewalls and IDS/IPS systems, as database security vulnerabilities are often associated with specific versions of each database management system and constantly changing.

But that does not mean that databases can only be attacked with advanced techniques. According to the Top 20 - 2007 Security Risks of the SANS Institute, the vulnerabilities on the database server belong to the group of the top 20 security risks, in which the most common vulnerabilities are:

  • Use standard configuration with default username and password.
  • SQL Injection attacks through database engines, third-party applications, or user web applications.
  • Use easy-to-find passwords for premium accounts.
  • Buffer overflows in processes “listening” to common ports

That proves the fact that databases can be attacked with very simple methods. If we take a closer look, we will see that there are many holes in the database system created by humans. Enterprise data can be scattered at different points outside the main server, it can be disks/tape storage, backup or reporting servers or even server for application development/testing.

While backup and storage systems can be as rigorously protected as primary systems, databases for application development and testing are often overlooked. That is a big flaw because those databases often contain sensitive information such as customer balances and actual transactions, but can be accessed by large groups of users without authorization.

Best practices for enterprise database security

Physical security

Whether your database server is on-premises or in a cloud data center, it must be located in a secure, climate-controlled environment. (If your database server is in a cloud data center, your cloud service provider will take care of this for you.)

Use firewall

Firewalls are the most commonly used security method today. Thanks to the firewall, the database information will be protected from external threats. The firewall will prevent unauthorized and unusual access. Thereby, the organization's database will be secured in a more secure and effective way.

Control the number and permissions of access

To secure the database well and prevent data from being leaked to the outside, businesses need to well manage the number and permissions of access. Organizations need to limit the minimum number of people who can access them, and limit their rights to exercise to the minimum necessary to do their job. Limiting the number and access rights will minimize database theft.

Secure end-user accounts/devices

Organizations and businesses must always know who is accessing the source of the database. And when and for what purpose is that database source accessed. The application of data monitoring and monitoring measures will alert businesses to unauthorized and unusual data access and use. Accessible devices must always comply with security controls.

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Data encryption

All data in the database system must be protected by Encryption encryption. Encryption will help secure information better, making data transmission between devices more secure.

Use the most up-to-date database software

Cybersecurity attacks are becoming more sophisticated and modern day by day. Therefore, organizations and businesses must always use, update and apply security management software.

Storing login information

Organizations need to record all login information to the database server. Besides, it is necessary to record all activities on the database of these log sources. Thereby, it is possible to quickly detect violations, unusual and unauthorized traffic.


Implementing adequate database security measures is critical to any organization. CMC TS provides Database Services database security solution including 6 activities:

  • Periodically check the database system;
  • 24/7 technical support for database system;
  • Upgrading, patching and updating database system;
  • Change database system;
  • Consulting database solutions;
  • Install the CSD system standard.

CMC TS owns a team of specialized consulting and deployment engineers for database systems with experience, professional knowledge and in-depth skills to help customers' systems always be in ready condition, operating with high efficiency. Highest performance with high security.

For detailed advice, please register in the form below. The team of technicians at CMC TS will quickly contact you to help you solve your database security concerns right away!

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