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CMC TS is one of the first 5 enterprises to provide e-contract authentication services
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CMC TS is one of the first 5 enterprises to provide e-contract authentication services

CMC TS has been granted a Certificate of registration to provide electronic contract authentication services by the Ministry of Industry and Trade after meeting the requirements for appraisal of legal documents and technical standards of the Ministry. The certificate awarding ceremony was held on August 31, 2022 at the Headquarters of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Director of the Department of E-commerce and Digital Economy, Ministry of Industry and Trade Dang Hoang Hai chaired the ceremony. The first 5 units eligible to provide electronic contract authentication services are CMC Technology and Solution Corporation Limited; FPT Information System Company Limited; Viettel Telecom Corporation; BKAV Joint Stock Company; Mobiphone Telecommunications Corporation. These are all leading corporations and companies in Vietnam in terms of information technology and telecommunications solutions.

Director of the Department of E-Commerce and Digital Economy, Ministry of Industry and Trade Dang Hoang Hai (left) hands over the certificate of registration to provide electronic contract authentication services to CMC TS - the representative is Mr. Do Quang Yen - Solution Director, C-Suite Solution Division, CMC Technology and Solutions Corporation (CMC TS).

Be the bridge for organizations providing e-contract authentication services

The role of Digital Transformation is extremely important for the economic development of the country today. Development and application of e-contracts in society is an important goal in the Government's digital transformation plan issued in Decision No. 411/QD-TTg dated March 31, 2022 approving the national strategy for digital economy and digital society development by 2025, with orientation to 2030 and Decision No. 27/QD-UBQGCDS on the plan of the National Committee on the plan of the National Committee on digital transformation issued by 2025, issued by the Government on digital transformation by 2025. e-contracts and by 2030 reach 100% of enterprises applying e-contracts.

Implementing Decision 645/QD-TTg dated May 15, 2020 of the Prime Minister approving the "National E-Commerce Development Program for the period of 2021 - 2025", in the past nearly 2 years, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has built the system of Vietnam Electronic Contract Development Axis ( and announced it to a large number of businesses and media agencies on June 16, 2022. The Axis system will play an important role to support the entire application of e-contracts in Vietnam, as a bridge between organizations providing e-contract authentication services with solutions for identification and authentication, timestamps, digital signatures, cross-signing, etc., thereby creating a foundation for fast and efficient contract authentication and validation.

After the Government issued Decree No. 85/2021/ND-CP dated September 25, 2021 amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 52/2013/ND-CP on e-commerce; in which detailing the order and procedures for granting registrations to Certificated eContract Authority (CeCA) service providers, from September 2021 up to now, the Department of E-commerce and Digital Economy has received 26 official letters of registration of service provision from businesses.

Up to this point, after a period of support and guidance on procedural, legal, and technical standards of the service, 5 units have been appraised by the Department of E-commerce and Digital Economy and met the requirements for certification of registration to provide electronic contract authentication services in Vietnam. The first 5 units eligible to provide electronic contract authentication services are FPT, VIETTEL, MOBIFONE, BKAV and CMC. Currently, these are all leading corporations and companies in Vietnam in information technology and telecommunications solutions.

Speaking at the ceremony, Director of the Department of E-Commerce and Digital Economy Dang Hoang Hai emphasized, The ceremony of awarding the certificate of registration to provide this e-contract authentication service is an important milestone in the development and application of e-contracts in Vietnam. Especially for activities of concluding and signing electronic contracts in the country, then with foreign countries, across borders. The widespread implementation of electronic contracts will strongly promote digital commerce in particular and domestic and international commercial activities in general.

Therefore, Director General Dang Hoang Hai suggested that registered enterprises strictly comply with the provisions of law and some of the following:

Firstly, organizations providing e-contract authentication services must ensure compliance with the contents of the submitted and approved service provision scheme. The Department of E-Commerce and Digital Economy will regularly verify, check and monitor the performance of units and can cancel, terminate registration with CeCAs that do not comply with the contents of the Scheme;

Second, e-contract authentication organizations are responsible for building, managing, maintaining and operating an e-contract system connected to the Vietnam e-contract development axis, taking responsibility for the confidentiality, integrity, and irrevocability of e-contracts they store and authenticate, contributing to promoting the Prime Minister's policy of national digital transformation;

Third, the Center for Informatics and Digital Technology needs to ensure the implementation of the Vietnam Electronic Contract Development Axis system to meet the essential needs of the units, soon to connect with the systems of the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice, conciliation agencies, commercial arbitration and service providers to support CeCAs and businesses and individuals in applying e-contracts;

Finally, Mr. Dang Hoang Hai wanted reporters to accompany and continuously disseminate about activities within the framework of the Program in order to spread the word so that businesses and people know, actively participate in promoting the application of e-contracts in Vietnam to develop strongly and sustainably.

Pioneer in providing e-contract authentication services

Mr. Do Quang Yen - Solution Director of CMC Technology and Solutions Corporation (CMC TS).

Mr. Do Quang Yen - Solution Director of CMC Technology and Solutions Corporation (CMC TS) also shared, with nearly 30 years of experience in Vietnam in providing digital transformation and security solutions. CMC TS has been accompanying more than 10,000 organizations and enterprises nationwide in information technology and digital transformation projects. C-Contract is currently being used by major partners such as Vinhome, VinFast, Fast delivery, Vincomerce... with a scale of more than 2 million users. With the Ministry of Industry and Trade awarding this Certificate of Registration to provide this electronic contract authentication service, CMC TS commits to accompany the Ministry and CeCA units to participate in the development axis of Vietnam's e-contracts in a comprehensive and full technology ecosystem.

Aware of their responsibility on the way to support businesses in digital transformation, the five pioneering businesses awarded with the Certificate of Registration to provide E-Contract Attestation service have committed to continuously improve, upgrade and apply more advances of information technology to bring customers even better experiences, ensure compliance with legal regulations, and be ready to coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade to coordinate reports on the Ministry of Industry and Trade. and accompanies the Ministry of Industry and Trade to contribute to promoting the National Digital Transformation Program set by the Prime Minister, towards the goal of 50% of enterprises using e-contracts in 2022 according to Decision No. 27/QD-UBQGCDS on promulgating the 2022 Work Plan of the National Committee on Digital Transformation.

According to Bộ Công thương 

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