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CMC TS organizes a talkshow about security in the financial and securities industry
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CMC TS organizes a talkshow about security in the financial and securities industry

On the morning of May 6, 2022, the seminar "Transform your Cybersecurity to Speed Up Innovation" organized by CMC TS took place on the 16th Floor of CMC Tower (Hanoi). This is a discussion on security in the financial - securities industry with the participation of VPS Securities Joint Stock Company, Palo Alto Networks security firm, and representatives of BFSI Division and CMC TS Technical Divisions.
Mr. Pham Ngoc Bac - Deputy General Director of CMC TS (blue shirt) is the talk show host.

Mr. Pham Ngoc Bac - Deputy General Director of CMC TS led the entire discussion with guest speakers including Mr. Mai Tat Thang - IT Director of VPS Company, Mr. Luu Ha Nam - Head of Security Department, IT Department VPS, Mr. Hoang Quang Huy – Country Director of Palo Alto Networks, Mr. Philip Hung Cao - ASEAN Lead, Channel SE & Zero Trust SME Palo Alto Networks.

Mr. Pham Ngoc Bac said: “This is the first talk in a series of open seminars between CMC TS, customers, and partners. CMC TS plays the role of a connector and companion to bring solutions and services with the highest quality, creating the best value for customers. VPS is the first customer in this technology talk show series.”

Mr. Bac also emphasized the capacity of CMC TS with a staff of more than 900 people in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Experience in implementing overall digital transformation projects: from infrastructure, IT services, cloud computing, specialized industry solutions, security,...

Mr. Luu Ha Nam - Head of Security Department, VPS IT Department (middle) discussed system security issues in the securities industry.

Mr. Mai Tat Thang - CIO of VPS shared: “CMC TS has been a companion with VPS's IT Department since the early days, supporting us to build an IT platform. VPS's expectations for CMC TS will be bigger and bigger, especially in the security field. We hope that experts of CMC TS and partner technology firms will continue to support and accompany to implement upcoming projects.”

Mr. Mai Tat Thang - CIO of VPS (who holds the mic) at the Talk.

Mr. Hoang Quang Huy – Country Director of Palo Alo Networks (PAN) emphasized: “PAN wants VPS to share openly so that CMC TS and PAN can better understand customers, and PAN wants with insights and PAN's experience in security will be able to support VPS with faster and more breakthrough in technology and business."

Mr. Hoang Quang Huy - Country Director of Palo Alto Networks Vietnam (far right).
Mr. Philip Hung Cao – Asean Lead, Channel SE & Zero Trust SME Palo Alto Networks.

It is expected that in the coming time, CMC TS will continue to organize open talks and seminars between CMC TS, customers and technology partners.

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