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CMC TSSG deploys to build a data warehouse system for Rong Viet Securities Company
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CMC TSSG deploys to build a data warehouse system for Rong Viet Securities Company

Recently, CMC TSSG announced the construction of a Data Warehouse system for Rong Viet Securities Joint Stock Company. The system will be consulted and implemented by CMC TSSG in 8 months based on IBM's AI and data technology platform.
Công ty Cổ phần Chứng khoán Rồng Việt khởi động dự án kho dữ liệu Data warehouse do CMC TSSG tư vấn và triển khai.

The kick-off ceremony of the Data Warehouse system construction project was held at the representative office of Rong Viet with the participation of the leadership team and project board members from CMC TSSG Company. Rong Viet Securities and the leader of IBM Vietnam. With this key project, Rong Viet becomes one of the enterprises in the securities industry in Vietnam that applies the Data Warehouse system in management and administration.

Mr. Pham Van Trung - CEO of CMC TSSG.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Pham Van Trung – CEO of CMC TSSG said: “The foundation of all digital transformation is using data to optimize processes, optimize user experience, and even business model transformation. During the past 29 years, the team of CMC TSSG has experienced in implementing many projects related to data construction and gradually matured through each project. For Rong Viet, CMC TSSG is committed to investing in the most suitable and knowledgeable members about data solutions to bring the expected results.”

Mr. Nguyen Mien Tuan - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rong Viet Securities Joint Stock Company.

For this cooperation, Mr. Nguyen Mien Tuan - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rong Viet Securities Joint Stock Company - shared his high expectations for this cooperation: “We hope that in the process To implement the upcoming project, CMC TSSG will focus its resources and coordinate with the Project Board of Rong Viet in the best way to bring about the desired effect and meet the development needs of Rong Viet in the future. "

Building a Data Warehouse system in Vietnam is an inevitable trend in the process of digital transformation and development. And Rong Viet is one of the pioneering securities companies in enterprise technology. That helps Rong Viet be better prepared and more proactive in business strategies, improve competitiveness, and keep pace with the changing speed of Vietnam in particular and the world in general.

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