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Information System Security: Importance and System Protection Solutions 2023
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Information System Security: Importance and System Protection Solutions 2023

Digital data is one of the valuable assets of the business that is always targeted by bad forces. Unlike tangible physical assets, information data can only be protected through information security methods. So how to secure information systems for businesses?

I. The importance of information system security

Information system security is an extremely important factor in the modern business environment. Here are some of the importance of information system security:

The importance of information system security

1.1. Protect important data

Information systems security helps keep important business data safe, including customer information, financial information, technology secrets, and more.
Ensuring data security helps avoid risks such as information theft, destruction, or unauthorized use of business-critical information.

1.2. Ensure credibility and reputation (for business customers)

  • Information system security increases the trust and reputation of the business to customers. Customers will have more confidence when dealing with a business that has a strict privacy policy and protects their personal information.
  • Credibility and credibility can affect a business's image and reputation, helping to attract and retain customers.

1.3. Prevent attacks and property loss

  • Information system security helps to prevent attacks from hackers and bad opponents, protects the systems and data of enterprises.
  • For businesses with sensitive information or critical technical assets, information system security is critically important to prevent asset loss and ensure technology secrecy and intellectual property rights. 

In summary, information system security plays an important role in protecting important data, ensuring trust and reputation for customers, as well as preventing attacks and loss of business assets. 

II. Types of attacks on information systems

Types of attacks on information systems can be diverse and complex. Here are some common attacks:

2.1. Cyber attack

A cyber attack is an attack that attempts to break into a system through the network.

This can be finding vulnerabilities in the system, denial of service (DoS) attacks, or intrusions using methods such as buffer overflow attacks, free attacks (zero-day attacks, and Man-in-the-Middle attacks.

2.2. Scams and phishing

Phishing and phishing are attacks that use social media to trick users into revealing personal information, account information, or other important information. This is usually done via email, electronic message, or a fake website.

2.3. Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malware used to lock or encrypt data on a system and demand a ransom to restore access.

Ransomware attacks often damage or encrypt business-critical data and require a sum of money to recover.

Types of attacks on information systems

2.4. Infiltrate inside

Inside intrusion is a form of attack where an attacker has legitimate access to a system and then takes advantage of this access to perform unauthorized actions or access sensitive data.

2.5. Denial of Service (DoS) scanning and attacks

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are intended to overload information systems by generating heavy traffic, sending invalid requests, or attacking critical resources.

The goal of this attack is to make the system inoperable or significantly reduce performance.

2.6. Intrusion technique through application

Application penetration techniques involve attacking vulnerabilities in application software.

Attackers can find and take advantage of these vulnerabilities to infiltrate the system or steal important information.

2.7. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks use multiple devices and attack sources to make a large number of requests to a target system, overloading it, and rendering it unable to function properly.

III. Measures to secure information systems for businesses

To secure an enterprise's information system, there are many measures that need to be applied. Here are a few key security measures that will typically be on the radar of every business:

3.1. Authentication and Authorization

Authentication and authorization ensure that only authorized persons have access to information systems.

This includes the use of authentication methods such as strong passwords, two-factor authentication (2FA), or fingerprint authentication.

Access should also be granted carefully and according to the principle of the "least privilege" principle.

3.2. Data encryption

Data encryption is the process of converting information into a form that cannot be read by anyone without the decryption key.

By encrypting data, even if the information is stolen or lost, it cannot be read by bad actors without the decryption key.

3.3. System monitoring management

System monitoring management allows monitoring of system activity for early detection of unusual activities or attacks.

The use of network and system monitoring tools, which check and log critical system events can help detect intrusions and prevent them in time.

Measures to secure information systems for businesses

3.4. Backup and restore data

Periodic data backups and backups are important measures to ensure that important data can be recovered after a crash or attack.

Backups of data should be stored in a safe place and checked periodically for integrity and recoverability.

3.5. Training Employees

Training employees on security measures and system usage rules is extremely important.

Employees should receive guidance on how to detect security threats, identify phishing and phishing emails, and apply reasonable security procedures to keep information systems safe.

Together, these security measures create a secure information system and protect business-critical data from threats and attacks.

IV. Refer to CMCTS's information system security solution

CMC TS currently has been supporting many businesses to deploy digital transformation and along with corresponding security solutions to combat external attacks.

Refer to CMCTS's information system security solution

With a professional team and supporting technology background, CMCTS is capable of preventing all risks to the enterprise's information system.

Information system security solutions of CMC TS can be mentioned as:

  • Solutions to prevent APT
  • DDoS attack prevention solution
  • Deface attack prevention solution
  • Ransomware attack prevention solution

For more advice on information system security solutions of CMC TS, customers can contact via email [email protected] or leave information at website:

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