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CMC TS honored by IBM as the Growth Partner of the Year in Infrastructure
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CMC TS honored by IBM as the Growth Partner of the Year in Infrastructure

At the IBM Vietnam Partner Summit 2023 event, CMC TS was honored in the category of Innovation Infrastructure Partner of the Year - Growth Partner of the Year in Infrastructure. Mr. Le Anh Linh - Director of BFSI division, CMC TS, represented the company at the event and received this award.

In 2022, CMC TS made significant contributions to the Infrastructure - Systems (Hardware) business segment with IBM. Specifically, CMC TS continued to develop business opportunities for the Power product line in segments including Banking - Finance, large corporations, and conglomerates. CMC TS proactively built and expanded the Storage product line, exemplified by FlashSystems boxes that catered to diverse customer requirements across segments such as Banking, Securities, Retail Enterprises, Manufacturing, and more.

CMC TS honored by IBM as the Growth Partner of the Year in Infrastructure

In 2023, CMC TS will continue to strengthen collaboration and revenue growth with IBM in both the Systems (Hardware) and Software segments, while also building core capabilities to maintain its strategic partner position with IBM in the Vietnamese market.

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